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GEMS Student Experiences

Lab Assistant Studying Proteins

With the help of Nancy Devino, Jillian Edosomwan found a placement at the University of Texas, Galveston Medical School as a lab assistant to a Ph.D. student who was identifying proteins.

With her own research project, Jillian was responsible for conducting experiments and for making a presentation to all those working in the lab.

As she related, she had an experience that changed her life: she developed a love for science, and she learned that you can never know everything. This year Jillian will attend the Summer Medical and Dental Summer program (SMDEP) at Yale University as well as return to the lab at the University of Texas, Galveston.

Internships at Tulane

Sandreka and Shadreka Jones located their own summer intern positions by searching the Web. They identified openings at Tulane University Health Center, sent in their resumes, were interviewed, and were placed there in an eight-week summer internship.

These students are now considering the possibility of pursuing graduate work and careers in scientific research.

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